Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Feline Behavior - Scent Marking by Cats

Feline Behavior - Scent Marking by Cats

The behavior I want to talk about today is one that can drive cat owners absolutely nuts. I hear about it all the time: a cat in the household is urinating somewhere but the owners don't know where or, more importantly, WHY their normally sweet kitty is being so very, very bad. 

The classic behavior of a feline urine marker involves backing their butt up against a wall or vertical surface, doing a little tail twitch, and spraying. Gross. This is a classic sign of “marking territory” but why do cats do that? 

We have an answer in our new article on Feline Scent Marking. It just might have the answers you need to finally rid of your kitty of this frustrating behavior. Even if your cat is perfectly behaved, it's a good idea to read it anyway; there's a lot of really interesting information inside.

I hope you gives you some insight into your cat's behavior. 

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